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Faith Oklahoma
I tested the best way to tell others about the Love of God.
Combining Faith with Tourism is the best way to share the gospel.
Oklahoma churches will lead the world in witnessing to the world.
Currently 12,000 people have view this site from India, Bangladesh, Singapore
and Northen Africa. Many other countries have come also.
Let’s tell the world about God’s Eternal LOVE!!
Twin Lakes Church of the Nazarene
Join by Donation Tourism || Shop Our Biz|| Faith
A faith, charity, and small business search engine for Oklahoma
This is a pilot program to see if the process should be automated.
2000 businesses who support the site, will pay for both their advertising
and advertising for Faith and Charity.
Co-op advertising starting from 5.00 per month collected yearly at 60.00 plus tax.
Employees less than 9 for this rate.
Shop Our Biz Feed
Employees 10-20 $10.00 per month collected as 120.00 per year.
A small business who joins can select a charity or church and their existing website will be added free.
All sales final
This site supports Christian Churches, charity and tourism in Oklahoma.
There is a no porn policy as it should be family friendly.
Today is the day to get your wordpress website Purchased DreamHost